Thursday, May 27, 2010

Microsoft Licking Their Wounds

Microsoft licking their wounds after the azz kicking Apple has been giving them.

The picture tells the story. Microsoft laid off thousands of American workers and put all it's money into India. The result is clear. Vista was a disaster. Zune was forgettable. Overall nobody gives a crap about any of their products. Nobody gets passionate in defense of Microsoft. They always relied on their monopoly power and that is being eroded away. The company is completely unimaginative and spends all their time playing catch up.
Apple creates a product and there is buzz. People talk. Lines form. Their consumer base is loyal. While there are lots of things not to like about the way Apple does business their creativity and marketing is second to none.

In business usually there is a need and business runs in to fill the need. With Apple they create a product and the market forms around their product. I can't think of any other company that can make that happen. And Apple does it product after product.

Overall Microsoft is a big giant and their death will take time but the aging process is underway. My prediction is in 10 years they will be half of what they are today.


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