Thursday, April 19, 2012


They talk about the loss of 6 Billion Dollars.

They talk about possibly cutting 10,000 workers.

They talk about the need for profitability.

They talk about their loss in dominance.

They blame price competition.

They blame the US market.

They blame the currency markets. They blame the Tsunami. They blame flooding in Thailand.

They talk about tax expenses.

They talk about their credit rating.

What I don’t hear them talk about is what awesome products they are making or developing. They talk about everything except the one thing that counts. It is about the products. They used to make cool ones including Walkman, Playstation, Stereo’s, TV’s, cameras. Today they make nothing anybody cares about and I don’t see where that is going to change. I see a company without a direction and that never ends well. You have to innovate and they haven’t.


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