Monday, October 28, 2013

Health Care Costs Continue to Skyrocket....Shocking I know.

Well open enrollment (for health insurance) is coming and people are amazed prices keep going up. For some reason people thought Obama Care was going to contain runaway costs. Hahahahahaha……

They must be confused with what Obama said he was going to do…... Versus what he actually did. 

What he said he was going to do was offer people a public option. This would compete with private insurance. Since the government didn’t make a profit (or have to please short sided investors) the price would be lower.

Private Health Insurance would have to compete (with the public option) and wouldn’t be able to continually jack prices. The status quo of charging more (every year) while offering less would have to change.

Every one (except the insurance companies) liked this idea. It made sense. People lined the streets to cheer Obama.

But once Obama became president (with a Super Majority in Congress) he didn’t even attempt to do what he said. It wasn’t even a consideration.

Instead what he did was force an unfunded mandate on people. Now people would have to go buy private insurance. As if somehow the problem all along was people just weren’t buying it on their own.

Obama Care did nothing to fix the real issue of runaway costs.

Private Insurance Companies loved this new idea. Force people to buy their products. What could be better. Obama Care was music to their ears.

But now everyone is realizing the original problem is still there. The costs are still skyrocketing.

Because Obama Care raises taxes on business (to pay for subsides to cover the truly poor)what is going to happen is companies will dump their insurance all together. This will force everyone into the new exchanges.

This is the overriding goal of corporate America anyway. First they dumped their pensions. Next they will dump the Health insurance. It might take a few years but that is what is coming. The corporations are psyched. Despite what they pretend…Obama is their guy. He is making it happen.

In the olden days companies had to entice employees to work at their companies. But today (with jobs being sent around the world) that is no longer a concern. Companies don’t care if you come work for them or not. In fact they prefer if you don’t. They can find someone in China (or India) to do what you do for a lot less. So the need for fancy health benefits is no longer necessary.

Another 10 to 15 years and employer supplied health insurance will go the way of the VCR.


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