Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Exporting US Oil To Keep The Price High.....

For 14 years we have been told the price of gas is high because there isn’t enough supply. It is simple Supply and demand (they said). 

If you want lower gas prices they need to “drill baby drill”. We were told “drill baby drill” was about National Security. The USA can’t continue to rely on unsavory characters in the Middle East.

We were told Middle East wars were exacerbated because of our unquenchable thirst for Middle East oil. It needed to stop.

All our problems would go away (We were told ) if we just produced more oil.

You don’t like $4.00 gas? You miss the days of $1.28? Well so do they (they said)…… but if they aren’t allowed to drill then expensive gas would be here to stay.

When Obama became president he opened up all kinds of new American drilling opportunities. Sure he campaigned on a new green economy (wink wink) filled with wind mills and solar panels. Then he pulled the old bait and switched and it became nuclear power and oil.

Nobody moved the Republican agenda like Obama.

Then Fracking arrived……

As a result the United States is now breaking records with the amount of energy being produced. They literally don’t know what to do with it all. It is a real problem……for them.

America will soon be the # 1 oil producer in the world. More then Saudi Arabia. More then Russia. This was unimaginable just a few years ago. But here we are.

Sarah Palin must have tears in her eyes.

So now that we are drowning in oil is the price going back to $1.28???..... OF COURSE NOT….Don’t be stupid.

Now they want to export US oil to other countries. This will create artificial shortages (here) ensuring the price stays high.

Isn’t that wonderful? Aren’t you excited?

They drill the oil in the USA. Then sell it overseas. The benefit to America? ZERO! NADA! NOTHING!

Funny how Palin left all that out of her stump speech.

So you and your family get to keep paying $3.80 a gallon (or more). Our environment gets tainted with fracking pollution……. and the oil companies get even richer (if that is even possible)

Don’t worry I am sure Obama will put a stop to it..... (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh my belly hurts from laughing.)

Remember when Obama said he was going to close the oil company tax loopholes. The oil companies who are breaking all time corporate profit records……. and yet still getting tax breaks.

Well Obama never closed those loopholes. But he did cut food stamps…..You know…… just to be fair.



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