Thursday, January 9, 2014

Republicans Will Solve Poverty.......Hold Your Breath....

Republicans are going to solve the poverty problem in America…..Oh thank God. I was worried the poor were going to continue their decline……. but now that the Republicans are on the case we can all rejoice. 

When I think about fighting poverty the first thing that comes to mind are those caring Republicans.

“Mindful of polls that show many Americans see them as detached from or indifferent to the hardships” (Exactly right….. except people don’t just think they are detached…..They actually are detached)

“Representative Paul D. Ryan says the government safety net has “failed miserably.” (What is he talking about? The government safety net works perfectly. The stock market broke its ALL TIME record 52 times last year. FIFTY TWO TIMES!!!!!!! How can he look at that and not conclude government welfare (85 Billion Dollars a month to Wall Street) is a raging success?)

Mr. Rubio, for example, will give a speech hosted by the American Enterprise Institute on overhauling antipoverty programs and improving income mobility. (Can’t wait to hear that…. I am sure it will be chalk full of innovative new ideas like cutting taxes on the rich, and getting rid of all the government regulations. Real ground breaking stuff. )

(The American Enterprise Institute is paid for by rich corporations who are going to eat up every word Mr. Rubio speaks. I would be more impressed if Rubio gave his meaningless speech at a homeless shelter where real poverty exists. Then explain to the residents why giving rich people more tax breaks is going to be beneficial to their plight. The look on the homeless faces would be priceless. Better yet head to bankrupt Detroit and set up a podium in front of a closed GM plant. Then speak with conviction on how you have the solution.)

“Republicans are offering a series of proposals to help more Americans rise out of poverty: attaching or reinstating work requirements to safety-net programs” (So you need welfare because you have no job…….. But if you want to get welfare you need to have a job…… Sure makes sense to me. Some people have a job but still need welfare. Earning more money through a raised minimum wage might help…… but Republicans oppose that too. Aren’t Republicans helpful?) , streamlining federal offices (useless), improving training and education initiatives (Once you are trained you can head to Shanghai where the jobs are) , and offering tax breaks to the needy (Take the $0.00 you are currently making and reduce the tax burden. Real Helpful right?).

“Mr. Rubio wants to make it easier for adults to go back to school and learn vocational skills.” (Going to school is easy. Get a loan for $100,000.00 and go. The problem is when you are done you owe the 100 grand back plus interest…….. and the jobs are still in Bangalore. The bank won’t tolerate you not paying the loan back either.)

Republicans……As useful as a rubber crutch.


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