Thursday, May 29, 2014

Electricity going up and up and up......

The price of electricity in the State Of Connecticut is going up. They are blaming the increase on the cost of Natural Gas going up. Why is the price of Natural Gas going up? I thought they were fracking every square inch of the country, and obtaining record amounts of Natural Gas.

How could the price still be going up?

The price of Natural Gas keeps going up because President Obama (man of the people) keeps agreeing to allow Natural gas to be exported. This is done for the sole purpose of driving up the cost for American consumers. It also helps the US trade deficit appear better at your expense. Hey Look the economy is doing better because we are exporting more. Yippee.

Originally when energy costs were high we were told it was because they were not allowed to drill baby drill. We were told if they were allowed to drill baby drill there would be more energy and the price would come down. It was your fault the price was high….they said.

They clearly stated drill baby drill was an issue of National Security. The United States needed to become energy independent. If that was allowed we would all be the big winners.

So everyone stepped aside and the drill baby drilling proceeded. The environment got polluted. The energy appeared. But funny thing happened. The price is still going up and up and up and up.

No longer do we hear about energy independence…. because that will never be allowed to happen. The energy will continue to be manipulated to achieve their highest prices. The politicians will continue to pretend they don’t know why that is. The energy companies get rich. The politicians get rich. The consumer gets screwed 100% of the time. Screwed before Drill baby drill…….and Screwed after drill baby drill. The common denominator never changes. The consumer always gets screwed.

So enjoy your more expensive power bills Connecticut. You are paying more money, and receiving the same amount. That is always the goal. Take the money out of your bank account and put it in their bank account. At the same time give less in return.

You might want to send a thank you note to Obama. He is clearly looking out for you. Perhaps that is why his approval rating remains at record lows.


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