Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Religious Craziness Everywhere You Look......

People have been having a good time mocking the fanaticism that goes along with Islam. Their disrespect of woman is legendary and well deserving of mockery.
But please don’t waste all your energy just mocking that great religion. There are other great religions also well deserving of mockery. Please spread the mockery around evenly across all the crazy religions.
Here we have the crazy Ultra Orthodox Jews who really can’t stand women either. They don’t like them. They don’t want to be around them, and they definitely don’t want to look at pictures with them included.
There is nothing more disgraceful than a woman in a position of power. It is hateful. So what you do is just photoshop them right out. Problem solved. It is like they weren’t even there.
If you can’t see her…..then maybe the leader of Germany really isn’t even a woman. If you can’t see her then maybe the Mayor Paris isn’t really a woman either.
I mean why mess up a powerful picture of strong respected male leaders by Including women. So be gone with you women.
Anyway……When you are done making fun of the Jews please move forward and continue mocking the Right Wing Catholics. They also hate women. This Cardinal says all of the current problems with the Catholic Church can be directly connected to the Women’s Rights movement. Well duh…..Everyone knows that……
The reason Catholic priests molest children is because women wanted rights. Of course….Well that makes sense.
I guess the reason people are fleeing religion in record numbers is also because of women. So now you know….Tell your friends.
And remember to not only point fingers and ridicule Islam. Make sure you have enough ridicule to go around. There are lots of religions which are deserving. So be fair.


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