Monday, March 16, 2015

California Draught......

You know the climate change that Republicans and Fox news keep telling everyone isn’t really happening. The one they say there is no scientific proof that it is a real thing.
Well If you are thirsty please don’t go to California because in a year you are going to be real disappointed when you turn the faucet on. What doesn’t come out is some of that proof that Republicans insist does not exist. So if you support the Republican point of view….Good for you. Just don’t be thirsty on the west coast.
The state is in its fourth year of drought conditions. California'sofficial drought site notes that this January was "considered the driest January since meteorological records have been kept." Reservoir levels remain way below average.
(Some might say this is almost like......proof. Luckily Republicans are not as easily swayed. That is why they are so admired… themselves)
Resevoir levels are so low that the LA Times op-ed says this:
Right now the state has only about one year of water supply left in its reservoirs, and our strategic backup supply, groundwater, is rapidly disappearing. California has no contingency plan for a persistent drought like this one (let alone a 20-plus-year mega-drought), except, apparently, staying in emergency mode and praying for rain.
(Hey……Republicans fully support prayer. Maybe that will work. Lets pull together as a country and pray Republicans are not the dimwits everyone believes they are.)


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