Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Bernie Sanders Medicare For All......

Bernie Sanders fighting the fight.
Single payer system. It is what Barack Obama promised you in 2008 before everyone figured out he was a liar.
When Obama promised it though everyone cheered.
Well the proposal is now being made by someone who is not a liar.
We will hear it can't happen.
Right after the Republicans insist it can't happen they will tell you all about thier tax cut plans.
Democrats like Nancy Pelosi have already said they do not support this. They like the swamp just the way it is.
The current system where insurance companies make billions and consumers get screwed is very popular in the swamp. It is a great system.
Politicians receive huge campaign contributions and everyone is happy. Everyone except the consumers.
Elizabeth Warren is backing Bernie. During the campaign Elizabeth backed Hillary but now that Hillary has been shooed away suddenly Elizabeth thinks Bernie is great.
Just remember when everyone insists we cannot afford to do this that we are currently spending $3,000,000,000,000.00 per year on health care......And it sucks.
I am pretty sure there is a way to spend 3 trillion and have it suck a lot less.
Go Bernie.


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