Sunday, October 22, 2017

George W Bush Warns against conspiracy Theories......Right!

George W Bush wants to warn you not to believe the conspiracy theories………
Well…..He misstated that.
What he really meant to say was you should ONLY believe their conspiracy theories.
The ones approved by the Deep state.
You know the ones…….Donald Trump Colluded with The Russians to over throw the US Government. That was done by like 17 strategically placed ads on facebook. Those ads (which you cant see) were so unbelievably convincing that you completely lost control of your mind and went and voted for Donald Trump, even though you really didn’t want to.
You know the ones…….The White Supremacists and Nazis are taking over our country (one community at a time) and our president is secretly one of them.
You should ABSOLUTELY believe those conspiracy theories.
Just make sure if you are going to believe any other conspiracy theories that they are first approved by the DEEP State. IE: Bush, Obama, Clinton, The CIA, NSA, FBI, CNN, Washington Post……Or any other approved Deep State outlet.


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