Saturday, October 14, 2017

Trump Cuts Off Obama Care Payments.....Good.

Trump said he was going to stop payments to Obamacare because it is just welfare for rich insurance companies.
This is true.
Despite insurance companies bellyaching about how much they have to pay for people with pre existing conditions the fact of the matter is Insurance companies are making double digit profits.
Health insurance companies are not going bankrupt because they have to pay anything. They are just full of it.
They raise prices and their profits go up and up and up.
Then they keep raising prices.
Then they want more free tax payer money too.
You pay for the policy. You pay the co pay. You pay the deductible. You pay taxes that pay the insurance company. You pay and pay and pay and pay.
Then Trump says no more.
How can you not hand insurance companies making 30% profit increases more free tax payer money.
Well it is easy.


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