Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Trump and Gun Control.....We Part Company.

Where Trump and I part company......
"If you did what you're suggesting (Extreme Vetting) there would have been no difference three days ago, and you might not have had that very brave person who happened to have a gun in his truck and shoot him, and hit him and neutralize him,"
I like how it is being considered a victory that a "good guy" with a gun engaged the bad guy. This is the narrative the gun crowd LOVES and it happened and they like to give each other high fives. When they are done giving each other high fives they might want to take notice that 46 people got shot anyway.
This is NOT a success story. If 46 people being shot is a success story then we are in big trouble.
A success would have been the emotionally disturbed person was never allowed to buy an assault rifle and nobody got shot. That would have been a success. There is no way you can spin 46 people as success. No way.
Just because it didn't break the record of a month earlier is not exactly progress.
If you are going to advocate Extreme Vetting of Muslims (to protect Americans) then you should also be fine Extreme Vetting Crazy White Guys who have killed many, many, many, many more Americans in the last 60 days.
If Muslims killed that many Americans Trump would demand action....... but when nice friendly white guys leave a trail of dead bodies it is all good.
Oh...but a good guy shot back. Yippee.



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