Tuesday, January 23, 2018

George W Bush.....Everyone Forgot.

Just wait 9 years and the American People forget EVERYTHING.
He left office he had a 33% approval rating (Trump is at 40%). But today Bush has a 61% approval rating. People love the guy. Because people forget everything.
People forget the war based on Lies. They forget the hundreds of thousands of people who lost their lives based on those lies. They forget the people who lost arms and legs. They forget the Top Gun Landing on the air craft carrier with the giant Banner that said "Mission accomplished".....Even though nothing was accomplished and the war raged on for 8 more years. They forget being told the war would cost 60 Billion. It actually cost over 1 trillion. They forget being told we would be greeted as liberators. We were actually greeted by an insurgency.
People forget the housing market that was upside down. The massive forclosures. The CEO's who brought us that debacle being rewarded with tax payer financed bonuses. They forget the collapsed banks. They forget the largest bankruptcy in US History from corrupt Enron. That was followed by an even BIGGER largest bankruptcy in US History in Lehman Brothers. They forget the AIG bailout. They forget the TARP bailout. They forget the Bear Sterns collapse. They forget the rolling blackouts in California. They forget the drowning people in New Orleans. They forget the stock market that didn't move for 8 years. They forget the birth of the Patriot act to spy on you. They forget locking people away forever and never giving them a trial at Gitmo. They forget torture. They forget the bad idea of No Child Left behind.
The American People forget everything. Which is why George W Bush is NOW so beloved. Americans having a memory of 4 minutes is excellent for Rewriting History.



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