Monday, January 29, 2018

Pending Memo Forced Out McCabe.....

That is right........ the memo showing that the FBI is being used as a political weapon (of the Democrat party )is why McCabe is running to hide.
If the memo was fake news he would still be at the FBI. See what sun light accomplishes? It is beautiful. You don't even need a tin foil hat or anything. You can just open your eyes and there it is......Corruption.
Using the Government police to over throw the democratically elected president of the United States is generally frowned upon in a Democracy.
First day of Democracy school they teach you not to have the Government police over throw the leader. It looks really bad. Especially when you f*ck it all up.
In the Soviet Union you might expect this. In Nazi Germany you might expect this. But in the United States (in 2018) most people agree....... just because you don't like the guy..... doesn't mean you can overthrow him.
It is a nice thought....I understand why it is happening. I understand the Deep States need to fight back. But really.....You can't do it.
So goodbye McCabe.......Now lets see that memo.


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