Friday, March 23, 2018

Plastic In The Pacific....

The plastic swirling in the Pacific Ocean now covers an area three times the size of France.
Think about that……Every inch of France covered with Plastic…….. X 3.
What this article fails to tell you is why the plastic is in the Ocean.
They act like someone went in a sail boat and accidently dropped a water bottle, and that has happened several times, and that is why the Ocean is full of plastic.
The real reason the Ocean is full of plastic is because Communist Red China dumps all their plastic in the ocean.
They throw it in their rivers which empty out in the Pacific. They bring it out on barges and just dump it in.
Ever wonder why there isn’t the same level of problem in the Atlantic?
A few years ago Air Asia crashed off the coast and they had a real problem trying to find the wreckage among all the floating plastic.
For all the plastic that is floating (on top of the water) there is 90% more plastic which sank to the bottom.
Then the plastic breaks up into little pieces.
Then the fish eat the plastic.
Then you put the fish on your families dinner plate. Enjoy.
It is a real problem.
It is sponsored by Communist Red China…..Even though the fake news media won’t highlight that fact. They don’t want to upset anyone.


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