Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Prostitute Trying To Get Out Of Jail is now newsworthy......

A prostitute (sitting in a Thailand jail) has information about Trump/Russia Collusion and the Fake News Media publishes the story.
I post things and I am called a "conspiracy theorist" and am told I shouldn't post these things.
But a Prostitute sitting in a jail cell (with no proof of anything) says ridiculous things and those things get published in the New York Times.
If the story was about Bill Clinton having ties to Russia, which could be proven by a Russian prostitute....... well that story would NEVER make it to publication. Not unless there was a DNA stain on a dress. Even then the fake news media would be skeptical.
But if the story is about Trump/Russia well hot damned lets get that sh*t published. Proof......No Proof.....Doesn't matter. Print it!
So this chick has all the missing pieces. She just needs to get out of jail.
The CIA can't connect Trump to Russia.
The FBI can't connect Trump to Russia.
The NSA can't connect Trump to Russia.
The House Intelligence committee can't connect Trump to Russia.
The Senate Intelligence committee can't connect Trump to Russia.
Mueller (with hundreds of investigators) can't connect trump to Russia.
The worlds Fake News media can't connect Trump to Russia.........
but this prostitute.....She......She can connect all the dots. Just someone bail her out of Jail so we can all see these videos. The trail is finally getting hot.


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