Friday, March 23, 2018

Tracking Austin Killer Using Cell Phone.....

If you are going to live a life of crime leave your cell phone at home.
People just don’t get it. Your cell phone is tracking you.
The b*mb goes off in neighborhood A and the FBI goes to the phone company. Give me a list of everyone who pinged off that tower on that day.
The b*mb goes off in neighborhood B and the FBI goes back for a new list. Then the two lists are compared. Anyone on both lists is a suspect.
The B*mb goes off in neighborhood C and a new list is formed. Whoever shows up on all three lists is your B*mber.
Definitely don’t go into a store.
The reason they couldn’t catch the Unib*mber for 17 years is because he lived in a cabin in the woods and used no technology. The only reason he got caught is because his ego and his own brother turned him in. Otherwise they would still have no idea who he was.
Technology is not your friend when it comes to crime. Leave it at home.


Blogger ابو خوخه said...

ارقام شركات تنظيف بالاحساء

April 2, 2020 at 12:28 PM  

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