Friday, May 4, 2018

Handing Over Your DNA.....

People hand over their DNA because they want to know if they are 16% Irish and 29% Scandinavian and 4% Scottish.
That is great!
But there are other ramifications to handing that information over.
These companies have no obligation to protect your privacy.
People think the information is given and then destroyed.
It is not.
It goes into a database and can be accessed by law enforcement.....or anyone.
If you are a murder.... or rapist.....even if it was decades can now be caught.
Even if you don't hand over your DNA it doesn't matter. Your sister can hand hers over.... or your aunt..... and you are still screwed.
It is not just the criminals who need to worry.
HIPAA laws do not apply to you voluntarily handing over your DNA.
You go to your doctor and your doctor has to protect your privacy. It is the law.
But once you hand over your DNA you have no such protections.
Can an insurance company access those DNA profiles? No law says they can't.
Can your employer access that info? Wait and see.
So before you mail in your DNA you should really think about what you are handing over.


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