Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Obama Ripped Families Apart Too.....You didn't Care At All Then.....

Do you remember when Barack Obama separated Children from their parents?
Do you remember that?
Might be hard to remember because CNN didn't post 15 stories (simultaneously) about it.
CNN talking heads didn't spend 24 hours a day (7 days a week) going on and on and on about it.
You might not remember because Michele Obama was completely fine with ripping families apart when her husband was the one doing it. She didn't complain at all. Not ever.
You might not remember because nobody called Obama a NAZI, or accused him of reopening Auschwitz.
You might not remember because when Obama was doing that you didn't get upset at all either.
You didn't get mad, or protest, or yell, or scream.
You just saw the headline and continued on with your love of Obama.
Obama was wonderful and nobody was going to tell you other wise.
Even when he separated 72,000 parents from their children (in 2013 alone) it was not an issue for you at all.
But when Trump does the exact same thing..........Well watch out.



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