Thursday, September 20, 2018

RNC Raising Money Like Crazy.....DNC.....Not So Much.

The fake news media works really hard trying to convince you that Trump is the worst Human Being to ever walk the face of the Earth.
Day after day they fill your head with Trump is a jerk stories.
Those stories are backed by lots and lots of books telling you more of the same......Trump is an awful, horrible, terrible, disgusting, disgraceful, hideous, repulsive person and you should do your duty and hate his guts.
Stormy Daniels has a book. Jim Comey has a book. Andrew McCabe has a book. Bob Woodward has a book. They just keep coming month after month reinforcing the message that Trump sucks sh*t.
Yet none of this seems to be working as the Republicans are raising piles, and piles, and piles of campaign cash and the Democrats are being embarrassed.....Again!
Republican raised $252,000,000.00
Democrats raised $116,000,000.00
If you were paying attention to what the fake news media has been telling you these numbers should be reversed. Yet they are not. You must not be paying attention to them at all.
It is almost like you secretly approve of the job Trump is doing....Record low unemployment, Rising stock market, rising wages, growing GDP, rising consumer confidence. It is like you approve. Don't feel bad. Don't worry either because I won't tell anyone your secret.. You go on pretending you hate him. Your true feelings will be our little secret.


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