Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Dying Mans Last Wish....Talk To Trump....

The man was dying and he had one wish.....
Talk to President Trump.
Trump is a busy man.
It takes a lot of time to be attacked by the fake news media every second, of every day, for your entire presidency.
It takes a lot of time to defend yourself against the rabid democrats, accusing you of make believe crimes, and performing fictitious investigations.
Yet the President found the time.
What a guy.
If this was Obama it would be a lead story. He would probably win a second nobel prize for being a fantastic human being.
But it is only Trump so it is a story you have to look for way (way) down on the fake news site. You don't need to look for it though as I have provided it here.
When you are done wiping the tears from your eyes you can go back to reading about the upcoming impeachment.
What is the crime you ask? Well.....They will fill you in on the crime at a later date.....When they make something up.


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