Thursday, May 30, 2019

Foreign Intelligence Services Getting Worried About Being Exposed......

It started out with NOBODY spied on the Trump campaign.
That is ridiculous.........How dare he accuse.........
Now it is......yes of course EVERYBODY was spying on the Trump Campaign. Please don't tell anyone.
Today the people who took part are frightened you are about to learn the truth. Everyone is frightened of the truth.
The Truth is it is illegal for US intelligence to spy on American citizens. The way around that is US Intelligence recruits British Intelligence to Spy on Americans. Problem solved.
The British Spy on the Americans. The Americans spy on the British. Everyone gets the information they seek.
When they say they want to protect "sources and methods" that just means they don't want you to find out the British are spying on you. You might get upset. It is better if you just watch Americas got Talent and mind your business.
But in walks Trump who is about to turn on the light and let you see all the rats scatter in every which direction.
The larger point that is missed in all of this is that if the British were spying on the Trump campaign.
And the Australians were spying on the Trump campaign.
And Ukraine was spying on the Trump campaign.
And The FBI was spying on the Trump Campaign.
And The Obama Justice Dept was spying on the Trump campaign............
Then EVERYONE had to know (from day one) that there was no Collusion with the Russians. It was the most watched campaign in history. Yet the Hoax was allowed to grow and fester for YEARS.
The House had to investigate. The Senate had to investigate. The Special Counsel had to investigate. The entire time everyone knew it was a Nothing burger.
Mueller could have come out early on and stated as much and yet he didn't. That is why he hides today. Leave me alone......I am retiring. Read the report and go away.
And yet knowing all of this the corrupt Democrats will still attempt to keep it going. Even though it is going to blow up in their faces. Can't wait to watch it.


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