Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Prescription Drug Prices Coming Down.....

Trump told you he was going to lower drug prices.....
And he has.
For 47 years the prices went just one way…..Up.
In 2008 Obama said he was going to fix the problem………but then never did. Never even tried.
Obamacare did many things but what it didn’t do was lower drug costs. Obama had the best lobbyists from the Pharmaceutical industry working on his plan. It was a great success. Prices continued to go up and up and up and up and up. Pharmaceutical companies were thrilled. Obama was also thrilled.
Obama knew no matter what he did, or how bad it was for the American people, he would always be loved. And he was. It was a beautiful thing.
Trump has had many initiatives to tackle the drug price issue.
Really tackle it.
Not just pretend like Obama. You don’t know about any of these initiatives because you watch the fake news. The fake news won’t tell you any good news. Good news will make you hate Trump less. Their goal is for you to hate Trump more.
But don’t worry…..I will tell you all about the good news. Then you can lay in bed and wonder why you only hear these things from me and never from them. Hey…..They don’t call it fake news for nothing.
Trump passed a requirement for all pharmaceutical companies to begin including their price in all drug commercials.
It is called public shaming.
They like charging you outrageous prices but they don’t want to advertise how much you are being robbed. Soon they will have to.
Under Obama you were prevented from buying cheaper drugs from Canada.
Cheaper drugs mean less profits and Obama was having none of it. You were going to pay and pay a lot.
As Candidate……. Obama said he supported importing drugs……. but as President he made sure you could go to hell.
But you didn’t get mad at him because he smiled and you were just mesmerized……He is so wonderful.
Trump is allowing states to once again look into cheaper drug importation. That is what a real leader does. He leads.
Trump just announced he is working on an executive order (Since Democrats do nothing but investigate…..Investigate…..Investigate) making the USA a most favored nation when it comes to drug prices.
Whatever country receives the cheapest prices the USA will receive the same. This will drive down prices a lot. You will be thrilled. If only the fake news would tell you about it.
The stocks of pharmaceutical companies have been getting hammered from this news.
They miss Obama. Obama let them rip you off. This new guy is terrible. He actually cares about the people. We have never seen such a thing.


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