Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hunter Is Stepping Down.....Go Vote For Joe......It Is All Good.

Hunter Biden wants you to know he will no longer take 1.5 Billion Dollars from Communist Red China. Or any other foreign country.
So you can feel confident voting for Joe knowing he and his family are not cashing in selling his office for personal fortunes.
Sure it has been going on for decades, but now you found out (and seem kind of annoyed by it) so Hunter promises it will stop. Really it will.
I mean don't take this the wrong way............There was nothing wrong with him doing it up until now. He didn't even tell his dad about it. Really....He didn't.
If you can't trust the Bidens who can you trust?
I mean sure Hunter flew to China on Air Force 2.......... and sure China wrote a gigantic check to Hunter........ but that was just for his unprecedented expertise.
Communist China could have invested with Goldman Sachs. Or with JP Morgan. But China instead decided it was a better option to invest with Hunter Biden. I wonder why. Can you think of a reason?
Did you get a 1.5 billion dollar check from Communist Red China? Go check your bank account because maybe it is there and you didn't even see it.
How many years will you have to work to earn 1.5 Billion? Hunter has one meeting and BAM.....the money rains down.
But no more. He promises.
So go vote for Joe. He has been swimming in the Washington swamp for 4 decades (and has absolutely nothing to show for it) but you are going to love him as your president.
He is ready to go to work for you. Wink, Wink.....


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