America About to Pay For Handing Over Our Economy To China.....
This is the risk our dumb azz leaders took when they sent the entire US manufacturing economy to Communist Red China.
Almost ALL medications come from communist Red China.
Communist Red China hates us. They have always hated us. We hate them too.
Now we are completely reliant on them for everything.
Communist red china is blaming the Corona virus on the USA.
The USA is blaming the Corona virus on communist Red china.
Whoever is actually responsible is irrelevant because China still hates us all the same.
We are still reliant on them for everything.
You think life is hard now.....wait till communist Red China stops sending medical supplies. You ain't seen nothing yet.
Who is to blame......Bill Clinton, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Barack Obama......
Hundreds of members of our US congress....
hundreds of short sighted US corporations
The loser will be YOU! It is always you.
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