Wednesday, April 29, 2020

F-35....Still complete Junk.......

F-35 = Complete junk.

The most expensive weapon system in all of recorded history.

The plane that is years and years and years behind schedule.

The plane that is Billions and billions and Billions over budget.

The plane that is supposed to replace every other fighter plane in every branch of the US military.

The plane with the list of problems that goes on and on and on and on and on......

That plane.......... now has to add even more problems.

The plane that even if it was working correctly is still incredibly slow.........

Now That plane can't fly supersonic.

If it does fly supersonic.......The structural integrity will break down.

Do you feel the need for speed?  Well you will need to find a different plane then.

The F-35 can only fly very slow.  Probably why they are not using it in Top Gun.

The best part is this problem isn't even being fixed.  

The plane is such a basket case the military is just accepting it.  

Whatever......Take the money and give us the piece of sh*t plane.  We will just take it.  

After trying to fix this junk for 20 + years (and getting nowhere) the pentagon is just putting up the white flag.  We give up.

The biggest fleecing of US taxpayers ever.  A GAZILLION DOLLARS for a plane that totally sucks.  

Money well spent.


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