Monday, August 31, 2020

Death Of Princess Diana......(23 years later) Part 1

 The Death of Princess Diana. (Part 1)

23 years later.....
A look back.
The original plan to assassinate someone using a car accident (in a Tunnel) was designed by MI6 to Kill Slobodan Milosevic. That plot was never implemented.
After Dianas "accident" former MI6 agent Richard Tomlinson testified that MI6 had that identical plot.
Danny Nightingale was special forces in the British Military and he also came out and said the British government killed the princess.
People who mock conspiracies theories always say if the conspiracy was true somebody would have said something. But People do say something. They say something all the time. People need to listen.
The media does their best to cover as little as possible.
Report it.....Down play it....... Mock it........and then move on quickly.
If the royal family murders people that might not be such a great PR move.
In public it is all smiles and waves, but don't be fooled. Those people will kill you.
The problem with the princess was she was a lot more popular than everyone else in the royal family. That can't happen.
The problem with the princess was she had spoken out against the Royal family. That can't happen.
The problem with the Princess was she was dating the son of a foreigner (who was billionaire) and she was rumored to be pregnant. That can't happen.


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