Sunday, October 25, 2020

Facebook Getting Their Censorship tools Ready In Case Biden is Successful.

 After the corrupt Democrats steals the election Facebook is ready to Censor anyone who gets upset about that.

Censorship is the hallmark of a free country.  

Facebook Inc. teams have planned for the possibility of trying to calm election-related conflict in the U.S. by deploying internal tools designed for what it calls “at-risk” countries

The emergency measures include slowing the spread of viral content and lowering the bar for suppressing potentially inflammatory posts

The potential moves include an across-the-board slowing of the spread of posts as they start to go viral and tweaking the news feed to change what types of content users see  

(As you are hurling a chair across your livingroom Facebook is prepared to show you pretty pictures of flowers)

The company could also lower the threshold for detecting the types of content its software views as dangerous.

the tools could alter what tens of millions of Americans see when they log onto the platform, diminishing their exposure to sensationalism, incitements to violence and misinformation,

slowing down the spread of popular content could suppress some good-faith political discussion.

So the military is getting ready for the post-election outrage, and the Oligarchs in Silcon Valley are also getting ready.  If Biden successfully pulls off this theft everyone needs to be ready.


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