Sunday, November 22, 2020

Oswald Paraffin Test........


Oswald Paraffin Test.

Paraffin tests for the presence of gun powder.

If you fire a gun…… you will have gun powder on you. 

A paraffin test will show it.

If you shoot a sniper rifle……. where your eyeball is looking through the scope………and your cheek is next to the gun………. you will have gun powder on your cheek. 

There is no way to avoid this.

After Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested he was given a paraffin test.

It was negative for gun powder on his cheek.

That is not conspiracy theory……That is just the facts.

It was positive for gun powder on his hands.

Can you explain how he shot the president (with a sniper rifle) and didn’t have gun powder on his cheek?

You can’t…..And nobody else can either. 

If he didn’t have gun powder on his cheek….. then he wasn’t the shooter in the 6th floor sniper’s nest.

Luckily he was gunned down 48 hours later and that was the end of it. 

Nothing would have be explained in a court.

Nothing would have to be explained to anybody.

Oswald was declared guilty…….. and that was the end of it. 

The fact that the evidence says otherwise…….That is not an issue at all.

That is the great thing about dead people………They never object to anything.


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