Tuesday, January 26, 2021

China Getting Ready To Become #1.......Thanks To Biden.

 Joe Biden being President = Communist Red China will soon be #1

Guaranteed.......Yay Joe!
CNN is thrilled to report this good news to you. Enjoy it.
The biggest winner in the November election were the Communists.
The ones who disregard human rights.
The ones who put people in concentration camps.
The ones who pollute the environment and fill the oceans with plastic.
The ones who forcefully take over the South China sea.
The ones who are ending freedom in Hong Kong. (The Democrats and Big Tech are ending it in America)
The ones who threaten Taiwan.
The ones who steal entire industries from the USA.
The ones who steal intellectual property.
The ones who hack into our companies and our government computers.
With Communist Red China it is all bad all the time.
Don't forget the world wide pandemic curtesy of our good friends in Communist Red. What a lovely gift that was.
Now Creepy Joe Biden will enable them to take their final steps to world supremacy.
Nothing makes Joe Biden happier than the USA becoming a second-place finisher.
"Managed decline" it is called and Joe Biden is ready to lead the way.
Trump was all "America first". (Yuck)
Trump was all "jobs in the USA". (Double Yuck)
Trump was all "Tariffs" on Communists not playing fairly. (Yuck.. Yuck.. Yuck)
Biden scoffs at all of that.
Biden is Communist Red China first.
Hunter Biden gets filthy rich and "The Big Guy" gets 10%
The only real loser is the American people.
Joe Biden has made crystal clear he doesn't give a f*ck about The American People. Not even a little bit.



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