Sunday, March 28, 2021

Taxing Every Mile You Drive.

 Biden is about to tax every mile you drive.

Biden needs your money to pay to fix infrastructure.

That mean you need to pay for fixing infrastructure.

You need to pay AGAIN that is.

You already pay .18 federal gas tax (on every gallon you buy) which is supposed to be used to fix infrastructure.  

But your government wastes that money and never fixes anything.  

That means the government needs even more of your money to actually fix the infrastructure again.  

Biden knows just where to get that money too.  

Right out of your bank account.  

Isn't that great?  Doesn't that make you happy?

So when you fill up your gas tank you pay.  

Then when you drive a mile you pay some more.  

Drive another mile and you pay some more again.  

Isn't that a fun game?

Then when you go to the store ........and purchase products delivered there in truck......who also had to pay that tax.......Guess where that tax will be paid?  

Go ahead.....Guess.  

That is correct......You will be paying for that too.  

The prices on everything goes up and you pay some more.  

You pay..... and you pay......and you pay......and you pay some more.  

Then in 5 years they tell you they still haven't fixed the infrastructure.  

Obama said he was going to fix it in 2009....... when he spent 900 Billion of your tax dollars.  Then he didn't fix it.  He spent the money.......... but he fixed nothing.  

Now Biden says he will fix it too.  He won't fix it either...... but you sure are going to pay.

Aren't Democrats wonderful.  

Tax and spend....... and tax and spend....... and tax and spend.........and when it is all over nothing gets fixed.  

But your money has magically disappeared.  

Fantastic........  Yay Democrats.


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