Friday, January 7, 2022

Dick Cheney Now A Good Guy.......Funny How That Works.

 Not long-ago Dick Cheney was LOATHED by the Criminal Democrats and the Fake News.

Dick Cheney......George W Bush........There was NOBODY worse.

Dick Cheney brought us the war in Iraq.  The one based on weapons of mass destruction that didn't actually exist.  The war that went on for 10 years and cost trillions of dollars, and killed tens of thousands of people, and destabilized an entire region of the world.  You remember..........  That was all Dick Cheney and EVERYONE hated the man.

But then Trump happened.  

Luckily Dick Cheney also HATED Trump........So anyone who hates Trump must be a good guy.

Anyone who doesn't hate Trump must be a domestic terrorist.  The national security state will be coming for you soon.

Here we see the old saying is true.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend.  

So thanks to Trump everyone can now come together and sing kumbaya.


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