Sunday, July 17, 2022


TWA Flight 800.

26 years later.

That 747 full of innocent people that was shot down by the US Navy.  

Then covered up by the FBI......

And covered up by the CIA.....

with a special assist from the fake news.

The official story......

The empty center fuel tank exploded. 

The cause of that ignition is still undetermined.

The only problem (with that official story) is the 200+ eyewitnesses who told the FBI they saw a streaking light explode at the plane.

That was a big problem.  

If it was only 4 eyewitnesses........... they could be discounted.  

When it is over 200 eyewitnesses........All saying the exact same thing.......Well........ that is a bigger problem.

So how did the corrupt FBI solve that problem?

They brought in the professional liars at the CIA.  

The Central Intelligence Agency.

Does the CIA investigate domestic airplane crashes?  

They do not.  

But what the CIA does very well is they lie.  

They are professional liars.  

If you need lies, these are the folks you will want to help you.

So how did the CIA solve the issue of the hundreds of eyewitnesses? 

The ones who saw a missile.  

The CIA simply explained those people did not actually see what they say they saw.  

The CIA explained that when the center fuel tank exploded........

and the front of the 747 fell off.........

The plane weighed a lot less............. 

So the back of the lighter plane traveled upwards 5000 feet.  

No seriously......Stop laughing.......That is what they said.

The burning plane (traveling upwards) gave the illusion (to people miles away on the shore) that they were looking at a missile.  

It was all just a big misunderstanding.

The only problem (with that lie) was the radar data did not support the busted plane traveling upwards narrative.  

Planes do not break apart and then gain altitude.  

That is called fiction.  

But nonetheless the CIA made a video (depicting this fiction) and showed it to the media.   

The media ate it up.


That was that.  

The empty fuel tank exploded with such force the plane broke in two. 

The back of the plane gained altitude.  

The witnesses on the shore were mistaken.  

Moving on........

Now if the plane was destroyed by a missile........ that missile would need to come from somewhere .  

As it just so happened the US navy was indeed running missile drills off the east coast.  

That was just a coincidence though.  

Now............If the plane was hit by a missile there would be explosive residue found on the aircraft.  

In fact, there was lots of explosive residues found all over the aircraft. 

That would need to also be explained.  

The corrupt FBI had multiple explanations for the explosive residue found all over the aircraft.

Bullsh*t excuse #1 - 

That specific 747 was used to bring US Soldiers home from the first gulf war in 1991.  

Those soldiers must have had explosive residue on them, and that residue was still on the aircraft....... 5 years later.  

Bullsh*t excuse #2 -

The FBI had on site explosive detectors at the crash site.  

Those explosive detectors came back positive for explosives found on many aircraft parts.  

Members of the NTSB team (the ones who blew the whistle on the coverup)witnessed those positive results.  

But......... The FBI said when those parts were retested (in Washington DC) the results were negative.  

So.......... the positive results were just a false positive.......... and the explosives that the test said were there.......... were not really there.  

Are you following along?  

The eyewitnesses were mistaken.  

The explosives tests were mistaken.  

It was all just a big misunderstanding.  

No biggie.

Bullsh*t excuse #3 - 

There were explosives found on the 747........ BUT........... that 747 plane was also used for explosives dog training.  

Put explosives on the plane and see if the doggies can locate it.  

The person running those tests (Months earlier) obviously didn't clean the explosives properly.  

That was what it was.  

So yes, explosives were on the plane, but it was all totally explainable.  

Nothing you need to worry about.

Bullsh*t excuse #4 -

A senior pilot from TWA was sent to assist the FBI with the investigation.  

That pilot soon realized there was a massive coverup underway.  

On the back of several rows of seats there was a suspicious brown residue.  

The TWA pilot took some of that residue and sent it to a private lab.  

The residue came back positive for a chemical consistent with solid rocket fuel.  

The kind you would find powering a missile.  

The TWA employee took those findings to CBS news, so they could be reported.  

CBS news did not report them.  Instead, CBS called the FBI.  

Instead of celebrating the TWA pilot as a hero ......... he was instead thrown in jail for stealing aircraft parts.   

Then the FBI explained the substance (was retested and) actually was adhesive used to hold the seat together .  Not rocket fuel residue.

See how this all works.......

Deny....Deny....Deny....Deny......Lie......Lie......Lie.....And Lie some more.  

That is how it is done.

Was there evidence of a missile?  

You bet your azz there was evidence.  

But nothing the FBI could not cover up.

For being quiet (about the obvious cover up) Boeing was rewarded (in 1997) by being allowed to take over McDonnell Doughlas.  

Good things can happen if you shut your mouth.  

There used to be two major airline manufactures in the USA.............but now there is only Boeing.  

No more DC9, or DC10, or MD-80.... to compete with Boeing.  

Today there is only Boeing.

TWA was less cooperative (with the FBI cover up) and so today there is no more TWA.  Gone!

That is how this all works.  In case you didn't know.


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