Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Clean Coal"

Yesterday it was Nuclear and today it is "clean coal". If you squint you can almost see George W Bush. What happened to our "green" economy. What happened to T Boon Pickens and wind farms as far as the eye can see. Solar panels on everyone's house. How did we end up back at coal. Oh right the powerful coal lobby. Let me tell you a little secret....Coal is dirty. Not only is it dirty but it is a huge producer of CO2 gas which is the leading greenhouse gas causing global warming (If you believe in that sort of thing). Coal fire power plants are enemy #1 of global warming. The idea that if we spend enough money to develop "clean technologies" maybe it won't be so bad is pie in the sky. Maybe if we spend enough money pigs will one day fly too. The reality is pigs don't fly and coal is dirty. If we wanted Republican ideas we would have voted for a Republican president. People voted for change but Obama is giving us more of the same.


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