Thursday, March 4, 2010

College Professors rise up.....

Reagan was right trickle down economics does work. People lose jobs. Tax revenue dries up. Education gets chopped. College professors get mad and protest.

These are the same college professors who stand at the front of their economics class and exclaim that virtues of outsourcing. Outsourcing is good for the economy (they say) as all their clueless student scribble notes in their notebooks. Now the chickens have come home to roost and suddenly these same professors are upset when it cuts into their paychecks. When it is blue collar workers that can be taught away as progress. When it is Textile workers that is not a problem for the broader economy (so they say). BUT when it is college professors...oh man suddenly it is time to rise up against the tyranny.

These protests are about 25 years too late. The snowball is racing down the hill picking up speed and no college protest is going to matter now. I will enjoy watching the show anyway. The outrage amuses me.

The students who can't afford to take on 40 years of debt acquiring a 4 year degree should take solace in the knowledge that (even if they could afford it) there are no jobs anyway. They should save their money.


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