Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Difference 6 Days Can Make

6 days ago the economy was "turning the corner". The economy was creating jobs. 162,000 jobs last month. Wow!! Everyone celebrate.

Sure over 40,000 of those were temporary Census jobs but lets not get wrapped up in the details.

Lets do the math. 20,000,000 (out of work) minus the 162,000 (new jobs) only leaves 19,838,000 jobs left to create just to break even. We are almost there....

At this rate it will only be 10 years to break even. Yet Obama was jumping up and down with optimism. The hard times are behind us..... Chill the Champaign.....

But wait before you pour that second glass what is this........

Another Unexpected rise? How can that be? Obama said we turned the corner. How could another 460,000 have lost their jobs last week alone. 460,000 wipes out the 160,000 created last month. Now it will be even longer to break even. This is going to screw everything up. Sigh.........

Don't even consider the millions of students about to graduate (next month) from the class of 2010. They will enter the job market only to find their $160,000.00 education is worth $0.00 in today's job market. Boy are they going to be pissed. Welcome to the real world jerk offs. Obama certainly won't be worrying about this group because they won't ever be counted in the unemployment numbers. They will sit home unemployed and nobody will even know (or care).

I really thought the worst was behind us. How deflating. Maybe it is time for Obama to have a second Jobs Summit. The first one was such a rousing success. Or maybe another 800 Billion should be thrown into the swirling toilet. The first 800 billion yielded such stellar results.

Like anyone should really be surprised.


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