Friday, February 18, 2011

The Day After.‏

Cheers to screwing the American people. The dinner must have been delicious.

"The president's budget, released this week, included billions of dollars for new R&D spending. Mr. Obama has also secured a measure to allow businesses to fully expense business investing for 2011."

So lets get this straight. The government will hand your companies Billions of dollars. Then when you spend the free money you don't have to pay any taxes on it at all. Isn't that great.... And they say Obama doesn't get along with corporate American. Looks like he gets along swimmingly.

"The business community, and technology companies in particular, (The guys he is sitting at the table with)have raised concerns about Mr. Obama's proposal to boost taxes on overseas income."

It is a real problem for Steve Jobs when he hires slave labor children (In China) and then Obama wants to tax that money. If he could not tax that money that would be so much better (for him). Now lets drink a toast. To us billionaires....It sucks to be everyone else.


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