Thursday, March 24, 2011

GM recalling workers so they can lower wages‏

GM is recalling laid off Union workers so they can hurry up and lower the wages of new hires.

During bankruptcy, GM shuttered 11 plants, eliminated four brands and dismissed tens of thousands of workers.

As of December, it employed about 49,000 hourly workers and 28,000 salaried employees. At its peak, in 1979, GM employed 618,000.

GM has gotten rid of 541,000 US employees in the last 32 years and the result was bankruptcy. That lesson should be taught at every business school across the country. 541,000 unemployed workers did not buy new GM vehicles. So lay them off if you like but nobody should be surprised when your company files for bankruptcy. There will be a quiz on this tomorrow.

Once all workers are recalled, new hires can be brought in at about half the traditional wage — between $14 and $16 an hour. (Race to the bottom)

Ford has brought more work previously performed by outsiders back into its fold, creating more than 2,000 jobs since 2007. (Good for them)

UAW has success stories at GM, such as shifting work from South Korea to the Lake Orion plant, thereby creating 1,000 U.S. jobs (Good for them. The Union has a lot more work to do to get back to 618,000 employees. I guess you have to start somewhere).


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