Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tomahawk missile...Raytheon and Obama‏

The biggest winner in this Libya charade is going to be Raytheon who makes the Tomahawk Missile. The US military can't fire them fast enough and at 1.5 million a piece that is good news for Raytheon. Out of the approximately $550 million cost for the first 10 days of the operations -- March 19 through March 28 -- the Pentagon said about $340 million was for munitions, mostly Raytheon Tomahawk missiles, which cost $1.5 million apiece. On the first day of the attack they fired 110 missiles at 20 targets. 5 missiles per target at 1.5 million a piece. Raytheon must be seeing $$$ in their sleep. 165 million dollars to take out 20 targets in one day. Not exactly cost effective. 1 Tomahawk can't take out 1 radar station. You need 5? From early on in his administration Obama has had a soft spot in his heart for Raytheon. As the revolving door goes round and round.


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