Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oil Company Tax breaks paid for by school kids‏


In Texas they want to take money from school kids and hand it over to the oil company’s.

You can’t make this stuff up.

The refineries want the tax breaks in exchange for buying pollution-controlling equipment. (If they have to be clean it is up to you to pay for it.)

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is evaluating 16 refund requests that could add up to more than $135 million,

if the commission grants the requests, at least 12 other refineries that have not sought a refund also could qualify.

Beginning in 2006, the Environmental Protection Agency began requiring refineries to remove sulfur dioxide from diesel and gasoline, and many refineries had to either upgrade existing "hydrotreater" units or purchase new, more effective equipment. (Boo hoo)
San Antonio-based Valero Energy Corp. argues that the units should qualify for a tax exemption under an amendment to the Texas Constitution that says industrial plants don't have to pay taxes on equipment purchased to reduce on-site pollution.
Valero could potentially get a refund of more than $92 million

Schools alone could be forced to fork over $62.8 million (This is money the schools have already spent. They will have to reimburse the filthy rich oil companies. The oil companies gouge consumers on the front end and get tax breaks on the back end. The end result is always the same…..YOU PAY! And pay and pay and pay….)


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