Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cain...Man Of The People

"If you don't have a job and you are not rich, blame yourself!"
(Oh and please vote for me for president)

This is why no matter how atrocious Obama is he will still get reelected. Because what is the alternative? Is this guy saying what you want to hear?

If you are sitting home unemployed is this guy giving you confidence that he gets the problem? That he is going to fix anything?

This guy says it is your fault….. It is your fault they sent all our jobs are over seas. It is your fault wall street made the worlds dumbest loans which blew up in their face. It is your fault got bailed out.

If you are angry you should be angry with yourself……..

American politics 101….

Republicans – They could care less about you and are not even going to pretend otherwise. They have their middle finger up and it is pointing right at your face. F*ck you!

Democrats – They could care less about you (as well) but at least they pretend (as they lie right to your face). Their middle finger is also pointing right at your face but they attempt to hide it behind a napkin.

I also love how when -
It is right wing tea party protests (to Republicans) they represent grass roots Americana at its finest. The tea party is what America is all about


When it is Occupy Wall Street protests (to Republicans) it is left wing nut jobs who are anti capitalist Communist scum bags.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a free country people have a right to be rich...Stop looking at what other people have and start working toward your own goals...Don't be a commie scumbag....Don't "Covet" what others have..Keep your nose in your own plate.
Or there's going to be trouble.

October 15, 2011 at 2:27 PM  

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