Monday, February 17, 2014

F-35 on 60 minutes....

This 60 Minutes story on the Boondoggle F-35 program was interesting. 

In the first part they talk about the amazing aspect of the F-35 is that it can engage the enemy from greater distances. Before the enemy even knows the F-35 is there it is already too late and the enemy is dead.

Later in the story they talk about how the F-35 has cameras all over it. That means the pilot can see all around the plane.

Well if the first part is true (can engage the enemy from far away) then why would it be necessary to see directly below the plane? If the enemy is being engaged from great distance then directly below the plane shouldn’t ever matter. If the enemy is directly below then the F-35 has failed.

In the story they admit the F-35 doesn’t fly faster, or turn better, then existing planes……. so it seems to me the cameras are just a waste of money. Not like anyone is currently saying the problem with the F-15 is it has no cameras.

And not to brag but my minivan has a camera too. It just didn’t cost hundreds of billions of dollars for me to have that technology. Lockheed should buy an Odyssey and check it out.

Pretty much this 60 minutes story just reinforced what I already thought about the F-35. It is a colossal waste of money.

The fact that Lockheed Martin didn’t want to go on 60 minutes (to discuss their most important project ever) also speaks volumes. You would think they would jump at the chance to go on national TV and brag about the good work they are doing. But they wanted no part of that. Having followed the F-35 for many years I can understand their reluctance. Wasting record amounts of money on absolutely nothing is pretty embarrassing.

They should just cancel the entire project and build a fighter drone.

A drone could fly faster, turn quicker, and cost less money. The limitation in today’s fighters are the pilots. If the pilot wasn’t there lots of problems would go away. It will make for a boring Top Gun sequel but at least save tax payers money.

They also talk about how the F-35 is so awesome because of all the advanced programming. The story touches on whether the programming makes the jet susceptible to Chinese hacking. They say it doesn’t.

They forgot to mention it already has. One of the reasons the program is so far behind schedule is because China keeps steeling all the details. They might not want to bring that to your attention….. but I will.


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