Thursday, April 24, 2014

Mrs Obama handed resume by little girl.......

A little girl hands Michelle Obama her dads resume because her dad has been out of work for 3 years and can’t find a job. 

Mrs. Obama was “taken aback” by the little girl. 

Mrs. Obama is obviously not aware what is going on in her country. 

How could she be aware really?  When she gets into her private limo.  Then gets into her private helicopter.  Then gets into her private 747….. Sometimes it can be hard to really understand how the real world is.

The ironic part is as Mrs. Obama was accepting this little girls resume, her husband was in Asia doing everything he can to pass the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)….or NAFTA on Steroids as it has been called. 

That plan will send many, (many, many) more US jobs straight out of the country.  That will decrease the chance fathers (like the little girl getting a hug from Michelle) will ever be able to find work again. 

Democrats pretend to hate the trade deal (big election coming up…..get your Democratic game face on).  Labor groups hate the deal.  Environmental groups hate the deal.  Yet Obama (who got support from all of those groups, but never has to run again) can’t get it passed fast enough. 

The sooner it is passed….. the sooner more US jobs can be killed off…… the happier US corporations will be. 

Nobody hates US jobs more then US corporations, and nobody wants to please US corporations more then President Obama.

So I hope the little girl enjoyed the hug from Michelle.  That is about the only support she will get from the Obama family.  Good luck with that job search.


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