Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Slave Labor Shrimping.....

If you eat shrimp most likely it comes from Asia. The reason it comes from Asia (is the same reason everything comes from Asia) It is a lot cheaper. The reason it is a lot cheaper is because they pay their workers $0.00. Literally! 

They can also beat their workers which is a big plus. They can even murder their workers.

Whatever it takes to bring you cheap shrimp. I shouldn’t say “cheap” because it is not cheap. What I meant to say is really profitable.

See American Shrimpers are expensive. That means less profit for Walmart. Beating workers in America is frowned upon. Paying them nothing is also a lot more difficult.

So it is always more profitable to receive supplies from Asia where nobody cares.

Most people have no idea what happens on a shrimping boat in Thailand. So there is no reason to feel bad (while popping delicious shrimp in your mouth) about the human suffering that went into providing that bag of shrimp.

Companies like Walmart love to play stupid. They are SHOCKED (SHOCKED) that this kind of thing goes on. It is like the scene in Casablanca when the cop goes in the back room and was shocked (shocked) that gambling was taking place.

It is always easier to play stupid then do the right thing.

Then once exposed simply insist you will look into it. Really they will. It will be fine.

In the meantime you go on and continue enjoying your shrimp.

“Slaves forced to work for no pay for years at a time under threat of extreme violence are being used in Asia in the production of seafood sold by major US Retailers”

“A six-month investigation has established that large numbers of men bought and sold like animals and held against their will on fishing boats off Thailand are integral to the production of prawns (commonly called shrimp in the US) sold in leading supermarkets around the world, including the top four global retailers: Walmart, Carrefour, Costco”

“Men who have managed to escape from boats supplying CP Foods and other companies like it told the Guardian of horrific conditions, including 20-hour shifts, regular beatings, torture and execution-style killings.”
“Some were at sea for years; some were regularly offered methamphetamines to keep them going. Some had seen fellow slaves murdered in front of them.”
“Fifteen migrant workers from Burma and Cambodia also told how they had been enslaved. They said they had paid brokers to help them find work in Thailand in factories or on building sites. But they had been sold instead to boat captains, sometimes for as little as £250.”
"I thought I was going to die," said Vuthy, a former monk from Cambodia who was sold from captain to captain. "They kept me chained up, they didn't care about me or give me any food … They sold us like animals, but we are not animals – we are human beings."
“Another trafficking victim said he had seen as many as 20 fellow slaves killed in front of him, one of whom was tied, limb by limb, to the bows of four boats and pulled apart at sea.”
"We'd get beaten even if we worked hard," said another. "All the Burmese, [even] on all the other boats, were trafficked. There were so many of us [slaves] it would be impossible to count them all."
“CP Foods – a company with an annual turnover of $33bn (£20bn) that brands itself as "the kitchen of the world"
“The alarm over slavery in the Thai fishing industry has been sounded before by non-governmental organisations and in UN reports.”
“But now, for the first time, the Guardian has established how the pieces of the long, complex supply chains connect slavery to leading producers and retailers.”
"If you buy prawns or shrimp from Thailand, you will be buying the produce of slave labour," said Aidan McQuade, director of Anti-Slavery International.”
Enjoy your shrimp……..


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