Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Bill Gates....Money For nothing....

When talking about income inequality, and the rich getting richer, while the poor get poorer…..The rich (and Fox news) love to say Rich people are richer because they work harder.
You would be rich too if only you weren’t so incredibly lazy. Don’t blame hard working rich people for having all the money. They earned their money.
Then they tell you all about how poor people (are poor) because they just want to sit around and do nothing while money is given to them.
Poor people are a disgrace compared to the hard working rich man.
To illustrate this point we look at the richest Man in the World…. Mr. Bill Gates. According to Forbes he currently has $81,000,000,000.00.
He has that money because every day he gets up and goes to work….Oh wait…. actually he doesn’t do that at all. Actually he is retired. He has been retired for 14 years.
Most people, when they retire, don’t end up with more money 14 years later. But Bill does.
Not only does Bill not work, but he also spends everyday giving away his money……And he still has Billions more then you. How embarrassing for you.
You go to work everyday. He doesn’t go to work ever. He still makes Billions and billions and billions more. You should be ashamed.
This all proves the point that rich people have more money because they work harder.
When Bill retired (in 2000) he actually lost his ranking as the worlds richest man.
Working was not as profitable (for Bill) as not working.
In 2000 Bill only had $51,000,000,000.00. He has made 30 Billion (more) not going to work. Isn’t that how it works for everyone?
But that is not all. If you believe Bill (which I don’t) he has also given away 30 Billion.
So add the 30 Billion, to the 81 billion, and Bill actually has made 111 Billion. Take the 111 and minus the 51 (he made when he worked) and you see Bill Gates has made 60 Billion Dollars in retirement. Doesn’t everybody?
Just the money he has made in retirement would make Bill Gates the second richest person on the planet.
5 billion people on the planet…. and Bill makes more then all of them….. all while not doing anything.
Must be nice. Poor people should take notice.


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