Tuesday, October 7, 2014

AIG Lawsuit....Pure Balls

AIG’s Former CEO Hank Greenberg is suing the US Government for $40,000,000,000.00. 

He is suing because the US Governments bailout of his company caused the stock price to go down. 

Hank Greenberg was the largest share holder in AIG.  So Hank lost the most money.  Hank is very upset about this.  He wants you to pay for it.

The stock did not go down because the government bailed out the company.  The stock went down because Hanks leadership was so incredibly poor.  The company was driven into the ground while Hank was behind the wheel.

If the government didn’t bail out AIG, what would their stock price be?  The government didn’t bail out Lehman Brothers…Have you bought any of their stock recently?  Is anyone suing the government? 

The government didn’t bail out Bear Sterns….Any idea what their stock price looks like today?

So the government spends $185,000,000,000.00 bailing out AIG.  The bailout is agreed to (and signed off on) by Hank Greenberg. 

AIG proceeds to take hundreds of millions (of that money) to pay corporate bonuses.  Then because the stock price went down (due to their sh*tty management) now they want the tax payer to cover the cost of the lost stock value too. 

Pure balls……

Hank also thinks it is unfair that the government demanded an interest rate no lower then 12%.  Somehow to hank this is outrageous.  Millions of Americans hold credit cards with interest rates between 15-35%.  Nobody is suing because of that outrage. 

That is how people are treated all the time by big corporations.  But when it happens to a corporation…Oh man then there is a lot of sulking.

The judge should crumple up the lawsuit and throw it in Hank Greenbergs face.  He should then slam his gavel on the bench and yell “GET OUT”!



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