Thursday, January 22, 2015

15 More Years and Bill Gates Will have the Poverty Problem Solved.......Really!

Don’t focus on Bill Gates sitting in Davos Switzerland (right this very minute) with all the other fat cat billionaires comparing their private jets and fancy money clips.
Instead focus on how much Bill Gates is solving the world’s poverty problem.
All he needs is 15 more years and everything will be peaches and cream. Please don’t raise his taxes.
If Bill has to give the government more money then he won’t have it to single handedly fight world poverty. Bill can solve that problem better than any government. Please… please let him keep all his Billions and Billions and Billions and Billions (keep going 77 more times) of Dollars.
Bill Gates having all the money isn’t about him….It is about poor people. Nobody loves poor people more then Bill and he knows just how to help them all.
So please write your congressman and tell them to leave Bill and the other billionaires alone.
Thank you!
OK now if you will excuse Bill he has to get back to his Billionaire conference. Please think happy thoughts because the Billionaires are going to fix everything. Trust them.


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