Friday, February 27, 2015

Iran Practicing to Attack US Aircraft Carriers......

How stupid is Iran……
President Obama is about to sign a real bad deal allowing Iran to keep its Nuclear Program. All Iran has to do it sit quietly and not draw attention to themselves.
Obama wants everyone to believe Iran is fine and don’t even worry about their Nuclear program. There are enough other conflicts going on and war with Iran is not currently on the US agenda.
Next week Netanyahu is coming to Washington to ring the fire bell by telling everyone how dangerous Iran is…. and how stupid Obama is. Instead of helping Obama prove Netanyahu wrong by being quiet……. instead Iran stages a high profile attack on a US Aircraft Carrier. Way to go geniuses…..Netanyahu must be rolling on the floor laughing his azz off. I bet his stomach hurts he is laughing so hard.
Countries do not attack US aircraft carriers. The last US Aircraft carrier sunk in battle was in world war II. And while this is all about propaganda the message is a strong one. The US Navy is always on offense….. but here we have the most important symbol of the US Navy under attack. That is not something you see everyday.
Their method of attack is interesting using small fast speed boats. Could that work in real life? Well first a US Aircraft carrier is not a sitting duck. It is surrounded by lots of other ships that make up a battle group. Getting to it is not easy. Those other ships (in the battle group) have weapons too and they shoot back. So while Irans video looks like a giant success….. in real life that is not exactly how it would play out.
But nonetheless if the goal is to start a war with the United States…..Well attacking a US aircraft carrier would be a real good way to do it. What followed for Iran would not be pretty though.
My advice to Iran would be just sit quietly and let Obama do his thing. They are not helping their situation. It is like what I tell my kids…..Sometime you just need to learn when to quit while you are ahead.


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