Thursday, October 26, 2017

Trump Caved On JFK Records.....

He caved!!!!
The Deep State got there way. They are sucking Trump into their web.
There is NO reason why documents from 54 years ago would have any relevance to US National security today.
That is BULL......SH*T........
If this was truly some guy who worked at the Texas Book Depository, and just happened to not like the president, and decided to murder him from the 4th floor window, and that is all there is to it, then WHY would there be any connection to US National Security? WHY?
Why would that connection still be relevant 54 years later?
It is complete nonsense.
The Soviet Union is gone. LBJ is dead. Nixon is dead. Ford is dead. The Entire Warren Commission is dead. Castro is dead. Anyone in the CIA is no longer there and probably dead. There is no reason......
The only reason you would still be hiding things 54 years later is because the CIA murdered the president. They still don't want to admit the US government was overthrown in a coupe. Still not ready to put that in the history books just yet.
Everyone knows it is the truth. You know it. I know it. The CIA knows it. Trump knows it. The only people who don't know it are people who haven't looked into it.
Because if you do look into it it doesn't take long before you realize ooooohhhhhh yeah. I see. The CIA killed him.
I really thought Trump wasn't going to turn into one of them. But Looks like he has. Sad.


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