Sunday, October 22, 2017

Trump To Release JFK Files......

Trump is going to let you know what every other president (over the past 50+ years) has refused to let you see.
They tell you there is no conspiracy. They tell you there is nothing to hide. They tell you there is no cover up.
Then they hide all the evidence.
There is nothing to hide but you can't see the evidence. Now go away.
Thosands and thousands of pages which have been hidden from you.
Now we have a president that will let you see them.
Aren't you glad Hillary lost. She would never let you see them.
Why does the deep state hate Trump? Because he is willing (and he has the power to) tell you the truth.
There is nothing more terrible than you finding out the truth.
You will see the actual truth is not going to match the make believe truth you have been told.
When the actual truth is confirmed...... many government agencies (CIA) are not going to look good. They know it. Trump knows it. Hopefully soon you will know it to.


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